CNC Machine Tool Company U
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CNC Machine Tool Company U

Aug 14, 2023

EqualOcean has been informed that U-Join, a company focused on the production of CNC machine tools, has completed a Series A round of financing of nearly CNY 100 million.

Founded in 2018, U-Join is an ecological service provider of industrial big data, focusing on the acquisition of various explicit and implicit data in the industrial manufacturing process, combining big data analysis, machine learning, edge computing, artificial intelligence, and IoT technologies to provide customers with a total solution for data acquisition, data analysis, and value creation to make management more scientific and manufacturing more intelligent. At the same time, it connects with massive third-party resources and uses data for continuous feedback and improvement to provide customers with more professional and higher-quality products and services.

In the field of high-end equipment manufacturing, CNC machine tools are one of the basic and core industries. Machine tools as the foundation of the industry, the development of a long history, and CNC machine tools as high-end manufacturing "industrial mother machine", is the core machine for the production of high-end equipment. According to the "Made in China 2025" planning, in 2025, China's high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment domestic market share will exceed 80%. China's CNC machine tool industry is developing rapidly, and the industry scale is in the expansion stage.

According to the company's official website, the company has broken through several industry bottlenecks in the development and application of intelligent and digital products for machine tools, and the comprehensive technology has reached a world-class level, and some of the technologies have led the world. The company became the core supplier of Apple's supply chain in 2021, exclusively providing products such as intelligent machining process monitoring systems and intelligent adaptive control systems. To date, U-Join has released four major products: UJ-PMS intelligent processing process monitoring system, UJ-IPS intelligent adaptive control and protection system, UJ-CDS crash protection system, and UJ-MCM equipment health monitoring and predictive maintenance system.

With the increasingly severe international environmental situation and the increasing support of the national policy on industrial mother machines, China's industrial mother machine industry has ushered in unprecedented opportunities. U-Join has developed innovative solutions to address the industry's long-standing shortcomings in the field of machining compensation, which to some extent compensates for the shortcomings in machining efficiency and reliability of domestic CNC machines compared to foreign devices.

U-Join's financing round was led by Vision Plus Capital (Chinese: 元璟资本), co-led by Jinma Investment (Chinese: 金蚂投资), followed by Phoenix Tree Capital (Chinese: 梧桐树资本) and other institutions. Proceeds from the financing will be used to improve core technology further, iteratively upgrade key products, and research and develop new products to further develop high-quality precision manufacturing and promote the industry's digitalization and intelligent upgrading.